Pretty cool.
I hope I don't spend too many hours playing this. Gotta protect and blam here, too, lol. Anyway, cool game, and thanks for the heads up on the email bug.
I myself have spotted a small error in the game, but it's nothing serious. Not sure if anybody else has told this, but when you type in info for the favorite movies section of the profile and view it on the web, it doesn't show. What you see is the title of the movie below replacing what was supposed to be shown in the middle. So if you type in something like (from top to bottom, of course) The Last Samurai, Dune, and Demolition Man and View your Profile, you would see The Last Samurai, Demolition Man, and Demolition Man.
Anyway, I was just letting you know if anyone else didn't say anything about it. I look forward to seeing your future projects!